Photo by Sarah Fowler
Who is Homebirth Australia?
HBA is the peak national body for Homebirth in Australia. For over fourty five years, HBA has worked to support consumers and midwives who choose homebirth. The organisation is run by volunteers – consumers and midwives.
Committee Positions
Full Position Description
The main responsibility of the Coordinator is to ensure that the committee is meeting the legal requirements for the organisation.
The Coordinator also needs to ensure that the committee has a strategic plan each year and that all actions carried out during this time are in alignment to the overall strategic plan.
The strategic plan must be in alignment with the goals, mission and vision of the organisation as a whole, and will be agreed upon by the rest of the Management Committee.
Overview of Duties
Full Position Description
The main responsibility of the Coordinator is to ensure that the committee is meeting the legal requirements for the organisation.
The Coordinator also needs to ensure that the committee has a strategic plan each year and that all actions carried out during this time are in alignment to the overall strategic plan.
The strategic plan must be in alignment with the goals, mission and vision of the organisation as a whole, and will be agreed upon by the rest of the Management Committee.
Overview of Duties
- Report (annual statement) to the ACNC annually within 3 months of AGM. AGM must be held within 3 months of end of financial (calendar) year. This report is filled out via online portal:
- Chairperson of committee meetings
- Be across all projects undertaken by the organisation/committee members and provide support where needed.
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Provide content approval as required for newsletter/ website content
- 1 year commitment to role
- Agreement to transition incoming committee member to new role over a number of months if required
- Attend all committee meetings and provide Coordinators report at these meetings
- Maintain the vision and goals in the forefront for the organisation
- Take responsibility for overseeing that the committee members are meeting their specific duties and obligations and in instances where this isn’t occurring, provide support and guidance to these members, obtain further support or transition new committee members into these roles
Assistant Coordinator
Full Position Description
The main responsibility of the Assistant Coordinator is to support the Coordinator with their role and fill in for them when required.
The Assistant Coordinator needs to assist the Coordinator in ensuring that the committee has a strategic plan each year and that all actions carried out during this time are in alignment to the overall strategic plan. The strategic plan must be in alignment with the goals, mission and vision of the organisation as a whole, and will be agreed upon by the rest of the Management Committee.
Overview of Duties (Coordinator, supported by Assistant Coordinator)
Full Position Description
The main responsibility of the Assistant Coordinator is to support the Coordinator with their role and fill in for them when required.
The Assistant Coordinator needs to assist the Coordinator in ensuring that the committee has a strategic plan each year and that all actions carried out during this time are in alignment to the overall strategic plan. The strategic plan must be in alignment with the goals, mission and vision of the organisation as a whole, and will be agreed upon by the rest of the Management Committee.
Overview of Duties (Coordinator, supported by Assistant Coordinator)
- Report (annual statement) to the ACNC annually within 3 months of AGM. AGM must be held within 3 months of end of financial (calendar) year. This report is filled out via online portal:
- Chairperson of committee meetings
- Be across all projects undertaken by the organisation/committee members and provide support where needed.
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Provide content approval as required for newsletter/ website content
- 1 year commitment to role
- Agreement to transition incoming committee member to new role over a number of months if required
- Attend all committee meetings and provide Coordinators report at these meetings
- Maintain the vision and goals in the forefront for the organisation
- Take responsibility for overseeing that the committee members are meeting their specific duties and obligations and in instances where this isn’t occurring, provide support and guidance to these members, obtain further support or transition new committee members into these roles
Full Position Description
The secretary is a formal position within the management committee and accordingly must be present at management committee meetings.
Furthermore, the secretary must provide reports to the management committee and Coordinator as required throughout the year.
Overview of Duties
Full Position Description
The secretary is a formal position within the management committee and accordingly must be present at management committee meetings.
Furthermore, the secretary must provide reports to the management committee and Coordinator as required throughout the year.
Overview of Duties
- Load agenda and minutes to the HBA Committee Facebook Group and G Drive 48hrs before and after meetings
- Chair meetings alongside the Coordinator
- Schedule meetings in Zoom and create events in Facebook committee group.
- Ask committee members for agenda items at least a week prior to next meeting.
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Monitor info@homebirthaustralia email address and forward any enquiries to relevant people within the committee
- Work with the Coordinator in order to ensure all reporting is undertaken as necessary
- Attend all monthly committee meetings
- Adhoc tasks related to organising meetings such as keeping receipts etc
- 1 year commitment to role
Full Position Description
The treasurer role is a formal role within the HBA committee and is the only paid role within the organisation.
The treasurer is required to report to the Management Committee and maintain financial reporting as required for the organisation.
Overview of Duties
Full Position Description
The treasurer role is a formal role within the HBA committee and is the only paid role within the organisation.
The treasurer is required to report to the Management Committee and maintain financial reporting as required for the organisation.
Overview of Duties
- Oversee, monitor, record and file the financial affairs of the organisation
- All money due to the association is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the association are made.
- Correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the organisation, including full details of receipts and expenditure.
- Present financial information to Board/committee at regular meetings
- Ensuring the financial records of the accounting software (currently Xero) are current and in order.
- Ensuring the organisation has the right information to be able to make sound financial decisions.
- Preparing a Statement of Accounts to present to members of the organisation at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Compile financial reporting for ACNC requirements annually
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- 1 year commitment to role
Advertising Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within HBA committee,.
The Advertising Coordinator sources vital funds for HBA. & is responsible for advertising on our website, in our monthly newsletter and sponsored social media posts by coordinating information with the website coordinator.
Overview of Duties;
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within HBA committee,.
The Advertising Coordinator sources vital funds for HBA. & is responsible for advertising on our website, in our monthly newsletter and sponsored social media posts by coordinating information with the website coordinator.
Overview of Duties;
- Develop and maintain our advertising guide - including pricing. Ensure our pricing is fair (approval from committee is required for new pricing plan)
- Find and contact business that may be suitable for advertising with HBA
- Liaise with Businesses to coordinate advertising: get invoices drawn up, collect all materials in the correct sizes to upload to site. Approve ad copy.
- Maintain spreadsheet of current advertisers; Ensure businesses get opportunity to renew
- Manage sponsored social media posts.
- Coordinate social media shout outs by sending advertisers information to social media coordinator
- Attend all monthly committee meetings
- Find sponsors for annual homebirth conference (includes gathering offerings for conference attendees in the form of discount codes, etc)
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- 1 year commitment to role
Advocacy Coordinator
Full Position Description
This is not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Advocacy Coordinator is essential for ensuring that HBA is on the front lines with any homebirth related issues and maintains communication with relevant government departments and officials.
Overview of Duties:
Full Position Description
This is not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Advocacy Coordinator is essential for ensuring that HBA is on the front lines with any homebirth related issues and maintains communication with relevant government departments and officials.
Overview of Duties:
- Maintain good relationships with other homebirth and maternity groups to stay across relevant issues
- Be aware of relevant government departments and officials and build relationships with them
- Build relationships with relevant members of political parties and communicate with them on homebirth related issues
- Be aware of homebirth related issues such as Medicare Review, PII for PPMs, etc
- Strategise with management committee on which issues we should focus on for the year ahead
- Manage advocacy campaigns for HBA such as DoGooder, letter writing, meeting with MP’s
- Liaise with Social Media Coordinator and Communications Coordinator as required to ensure that campaigns have maximum exposure
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee Facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- 1 year commitment to role
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Archivist is responsible for storing the organisation’s records.
Overview of Duties:
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Archivist is responsible for storing the organisation’s records.
Overview of Duties:
- Develop a policy which outlines what is collected; what is not collected; why it collected; and who can use the material, acquisition statement, documenting what the records are and where they came from; what it does and doesn’t keep – appraised and selected on the basis of their continuing value for research or business use. Also what is excluded based on its condition and the capacity for special storage, etc.
- Investigate whether there are any established archives already collecting similar materials.
- Responsible for finding a suitable place to store archives.
- Put together a working group of committee members to help digitize records, or investigate cost-effective ways to outsource this job.
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- 1 year commitment to role
Communications Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
Overview of Duties:
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
Overview of Duties:
- Liaising with the Coordinator and committee to plan the newsletter topics
- Liaising with Memberships Coordinator to ensure list of members in MailChimp is current
- Create a monthly member newsletter following each meeting using MAILCHIMP. Source or write all content. Always seek permission of the woman/photographer before sharing birth images
- Follow closely all news relating to Homebirth to ensure we are current and share homebirth in the media information with editor as necessary
- Submit all newsletters to HBA Coordinator for approval.
- Attend monthly committee meetings
- 1 year commitment to role
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Agreement to transition incoming committee member to new role over a number of months if required
Community Engagement Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Community Engagement Coordinator is essential in keeping the organisation and the community up to date with important happenings related to homebirth in Australia.
Overview of Duties;
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Community Engagement Coordinator is essential in keeping the organisation and the community up to date with important happenings related to homebirth in Australia.
Overview of Duties;
- Scheduling monthly Zoom calls with local homebirth groups
- Liaising with HBA committee regarding any issues that are raised at monthly community Zoom meetings
- Answer questions of the general homebirth community to the best of your ability and refer to another member of the committee if required
- Maintain good relationships with administrators of all local homebirth groups to facilitate communication pathways
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Agreement to transition incoming committee member to new role over a number of months if required
- Report on activity at each monthly committee meeting (via zoom)
Events Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within HBA committee.
The Events Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the annual conference, which is the main activity of HBA.
Tasks undertaken:
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within HBA committee.
The Events Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the annual conference, which is the main activity of HBA.
Tasks undertaken:
- Oversee the planning of the annual Homebirth Australia conference
- Manage the conference planning sub-committee, delegating roles and ensuring that all tasks are completed on time
- Work closely with the Treasurer regarding the conference budget and expenses
- Work closely with the Social Media Coordinator and Communications Coordinator regarding conference announcements and social media posts
- Work closely with the Advertising Coordinator regarding conference sponsorship
- Attend all monthly committee meetings
- Manage the conference email inbox
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee Facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Present ideas to the committee for other small events that could take place during the year around the conference (in-person or online)
- Attend the annual homebirth conference to be a point of contact (or, if unable to attend, delegate responsibility to another committee member)
- 1 year commitment to role
Membership Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Memberships Coordinator must provide reports to the management committee and Coordinator as required throughout the year.
Overview of Duties
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Memberships Coordinator must provide reports to the management committee and Coordinator as required throughout the year.
Overview of Duties
- Respond to queries received to the memberships email address
- Manually forward a welcome email to each new member as they join
- Provide reports on number of members newly signed up at management committee meetings
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Liaise with MemberSpace support as technical issues arise
- Work with website coordinator to ensure members listed on directory are up to date
- Attend monthly committee meetings as often as possible
- 1 year commitment to role
Social Media Coordinator
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The social media coordinator is one of the major ways our organisation presents itself to the public.
It is consequently very important that the social media coordinator works with discretion and authenticity to maintain our online presence.
Overview of Duties;
Full Position Description
This not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The social media coordinator is one of the major ways our organisation presents itself to the public.
It is consequently very important that the social media coordinator works with discretion and authenticity to maintain our online presence.
Overview of Duties;
- Manage the HBA social media presence across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- Report back to the committee any issues arising or important aspects of social media presence to be acknowledged and followed up
- Respond to messages and comments received via social media platforms and relay to the committee if it is a question they are not sure how to answer
- Moderate comments on HBA social media posts to ensure there is no bullying, name calling, misinformation or fear-mongering taking place.
- Closely follow other homebirth and birth related pages and share relevant content
- Create and schedule engaging posts that help to promote the mission of the organisation. Always seek permission of the woman/photographer before sharing birth images
- Source content for the newsletter as required
- Keep in regular contact and liaise with committee via HBA committee facebook group, monthly meeting or email
- Monitor social media analytics to continue to improve our reach
- Participate in management committee meetings, report any content ideas, answer questions required and suggest possible influencer campaigns
- 1 year commitment to role
Website Coordinator
Full Position Description
This is not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Website Coordinator is essential to the overall functioning of HBA’s online presence and is responsible of the website.
Overview of Duties;
Full Position Description
This is not a formal office bearing role within the HBA committee.
The Website Coordinator is essential to the overall functioning of HBA’s online presence and is responsible of the website.
Overview of Duties;
- Manage website user access – Limit access to role specific.
- Set up and manage emails
- Maintain master list of passwords for HBA (Coordinator also has this list)
- Update website as needed
- Update midwife directory
- Manage online shop
- Update advertisements on website
- Set up and manage google adwords and analytics
- Attend all monthly committee meetings
- 1 year commitment to role